Many legacy ExtendScript-based scripts are offered in .js or .jsx or even .jsxbin formats.
Saving JavaScript Source Code
- Copy the code text to the clipboard
- Open a new blank file in a plain-text editor (not in a word processor)
- Paste the code in
- Save as a plain text format file – .txt
- Rename the saved file extension from .txt to .jsx
- Install or browse to the .jsx file to run (see below)
Text Editor Applications: Only paste the source code into plain text editors, not rich text or word processing apps. Common free or commercial plain text editors suitable for code saving include –
Cross-platform: Atom, Sublime Text, MS Visual Studio Code + Adobe ExtendScript Debugger
Mac: Apple TextEdit (ensure that the Format menu is set to Plain Text mode, not Rich Text mode), BBEdit
Windows: MS Notepad, Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit (32-bit only), Notepad++
Also, ensure that single or double straight marks " do not become curly “.
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Adobe Bridge JavaScript Source Code from Adobe User Forums (old forum format) |
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Adobe Bridge JavaScript source code from GitHub – use the “Raw” button and then save the following page as .jsx |

Saving & Compiling AppleScript Source Code using Apple Script
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AppleScript code must be compiled using the icon indicated (or using the Script > Compile menu) |
Although AppleScript source code is plain text, unlike JavaScript it must be “compiled” before it can be used. To avoid unexpected issues, only use Apple Script Editor for AppleScript code, not JavaScript code. Further information at the Apple Developer site:
Adobe Photoshop Script Installation Location
Scripts are installed in the /Presets/Scripts folder
Mac OS Example:
- /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC 2019/Presets/Scripts
- /Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2021/Presets/Scripts
Win OS Example:
- C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2018\Presets\Scripts
- C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2021\Presets\Scripts
Alternatively, select File > Scripts > Browse and navigate to the script file. Scripts recorded into an Action via the Browse command will record the entire absolute path to the script, often making them unsuitable for use on multiple computers. Installed scripts will only record the script name into an Action, which is the better option for Actions that will be installed on multiple computers.
Further information at the Adobe site:
Adobe Bridge Script Installation Location
A quick way to locate the Startup Scripts folder:
- Open Adobe Bridge, then open Bridge’s preferences dialog
- Under Startup Scripts, click the "Reveal My Startup Scripts" button
- Copy/Paste or drag-n-drop your .jsx script files into the Startup Scripts folder/directory
- Quit and restart Bridge and answer "Yes" to enable the script.
Mac OS Example:
- /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2018/Startup Scripts
- C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge 2021\Startup Scripts
Further information at the Adobe site:
NOTE: If running, Adobe Bridge must be quit and restarted for newly added scripts to become accessible.
Adobe InDesign Script Installation Location
A quick way to locate the Scripts Panel folder:
- Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) a script in the Scripts panel
- Choose Reveal In Explorer (Windows) or Reveal In Finder (Mac OS)
Mac OS Example:
- /Users/username/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version 13.0/en_GB/Scripts/Scripts Panel
Further information at the Adobe site:
NOTE: If running, Adobe InDesign will load newly added scripts without having to quit and restart the application. Scripts can be sorted and stored into operating system sub-folders, which will be reflected in the script panel interface.
Adobe Illustrator Script Installation Location
Scripts are installed in the /Presets/Scripts folder
Mac OS Example:
- /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC 2018/Presets/Scripts
Win OS Example:
- C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC 2018\Presets\Scripts
Alternatively, select File > Scripts > Other Script and navigate to the script file.
Further information at the Adobe site:
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